Daily fitness exercises as a way to fight excess weight

lying position

Many people dream of a slim, chiseled figure and a beautiful, toned body. But desire alone is not enough: results do not come to those who do nothing. And the arguments about the lack of time and money to visit fitness clubs are just excuses. There are many ways to lose weight at home. One of them is the daily workout with full body exercises.

Without additional equipment and expensive equipment, devoting half an hour a day to physical activity, you can not only improve your own figure, but also significantly improve your general physical condition.

The importance of morning fitness training for weight loss

Morning exercises not only help you wake up, refresh yourself and get rid of sleepiness. It activates all vital processes in the body, activates brain function, normalizes blood pressure, increases work capacity and resistance to stress.

Losing weight is most effective in the morning. During the first half of the day, the body reacts more productively to the load: metabolic processes are activated and fat reserves are burned. Morning fitness training blunts the feeling of hunger and prevents further overeating.

Basic rules for morning exercises for weight loss

running in place

In order for morning workouts to benefit the body, trigger metabolic processes and weight loss, and provide the necessary surge of energy for the whole day, they should be based on the following rules.

  1. The training complex should include exercises that involve all major muscle groups.
  2. You need to start training from top to bottom: from head to toe.
  3. It is better to increase the load gradually as the physical strength and endurance of the body increases.
  4. Do not miss physical activity: you should exercise every day.
  5. The duration of the lessons should be at least 15 minutes per day.
  6. Rest intervals between exercises should be minimal.
  7. It is recommended to regularly change the training program, supplementing it with new exercises and complex modifications of familiar sports elements.
  8. It is better to exercise while listening to your favorite music.
  9. You should not eat anything an hour or later before classes start. Half an hour before training you can drink a glass of warm water. This will normalize digestion and help remove waste products from the body.
  10. A contrast shower after morning fitness will double the effectiveness of your training, increase the body's immune functions, strengthen and tone blood vessels.
  11. Do not forget to follow the correct daily regimen. Night sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  12. The training room should be well ventilated in advance.

An effective set of exercises for morning gymnastics for weight loss

Morning exercises, like any other fitness training, should consist of a warm-up part, a block of basic exercises and end with several stretching elements.

Basic training complex for every day:

  • tilting the head forward, backward and sideways;
  • circular rotations of the head, shoulders, arms;
  • bending to the sides and down to the legs;
  • pelvic rotation;
  • jogging in place with raised knees;
  • bringing the hands with weights to the belt to strengthen the biceps and latissimus of the back (you can use dumbbells or bottles filled with water or sand as weights);
  • push-ups to strengthen the arms, work the muscle fibers of the back, chest and shoulder girdle;
  • raising the body from a lying position, V-twists, raising straight legs connected together to strengthen the abs;
  • squats to work the buttocks and thighs;
  • classic lunges forward to get rid of cellulite and shape the rounded shape of the gluteal muscles;
  • leg swings from standing and on all fours to strengthen the hips and buttocks;
  • all plank-type exercises to strengthen core muscles;
  • bending towards the legs from a sitting position to slightly stretch the muscles of the back and hips;
  • stretching the spine from a standing position to the wall (with arms raised up, palms crossed).

Each fitness element should be repeated 10-20 times. Choose the pace that is optimal for you to avoid shortness of breath and severe fatigue.

The main training complex can be supplemented with any exercises with appropriate physical activity. It all depends on the training goals, problem areas and personal preferences of the performer.

Types of useful fitness

holding a board

You can diversify your morning exercises with various additional fitness options:

  1. Hula hoop rotation: helps to remove excess fat on the abdomen and thighs, significantly reduces the size of the waist.
  2. Jumping rope: effective for strengthening the lower limbs, eliminating the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, increasing the endurance of the body and normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Gymnastics according to the Tabata protocol: allows you to improve your own body and improve your general physical condition in the shortest possible time.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics: has a beneficial effect on the functioning of vital organs and systems, accelerates metabolic and fat burning processes, increases immunity, normalizes the work of the central nervous system, improves oxygen exchange processes between cells and tissues.
  5. Jogging: helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, improves the mobility of the joint-ligament apparatus, accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow.
  6. Sports or Nordic walking: has a complex overall strengthening and healing effect on the human body.

Morning exercises are beneficial for everyone: men, women, children, seniors, professional athletes, ordinary fitness enthusiasts and those who do not exercise at all.

It tones muscle fibers, provides a reserve of energy and strength, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of vital organs and systems, improves the general physical condition, increases immunity and promotes gradual weight loss.

Daily morning fitness training is a healthy habit that will give you energy and a good mood for the whole day, start metabolic processes in the body, normalize your well-being and improve mental abilities and work capacity. This activity is an effective prevention of the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels.