Diet for the lazy, of course, does not mean that you can do absolutely nothing. There are some guidelines you need to follow. But they will not require you to be superhuman.
Being overweight is a very common problem. Millions of people around the world are trying different diets in an attempt to lose weight - but do not always have the time and resources to fully control their diet. Some diets require a lot of cooking time, some include special meals, plus, of course, physical activity should be added to any diet. . . All this discourages people from losing weight, but there are diets that do not impose a huge number of restrictions, and one of them is a diet for the lazy. The advantage of this diet is that its relatively short duration (the lazy diet is calculated for a maximum of 2 weeks) helps to develop a very useful habit - to drink enough water.
Nowadays, the range of drinks is huge and not all of them can be considered at least in some way a "healthy" drink. The high content of sugar, caffeine, all kinds of colors is not good for anyone. At the same time we often forget about clean waterand in vain - its sufficient consumption is critical for the body. This is the basis of the "diet for lazy minutes 12 kg" - you learn to drink clean water in the required amount, while filling the space in your stomach not with food butAs a result, the total number of calories in a diet can drop by 75 to 90 calories, according to a study published in the journal, not only because you eat less, but also because water replaces some of the less. healthy drinks.
So what's the point of a lazy diet?
Lazy diet for weight loss - basic rules

The main rule of the diet for the lazy is to drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before eating. Helps to moderate appetite and speed up digestion. But while eating, it is better to refrain from drinking. It is recommended to drink no earlier than an hour after a meal.
We understood the water. What about food? For a lazy weight loss diet, divide your daily diet into at least 4 meals. You need to eat often to prevent hunger, as this slows down your metabolism.
The diet for the lazy at home is based on the principles of separate eating. This means eating protein and carbohydrates separately, such as meat without garnish. You can postpone the garnish until your next meal. All cereals rich in carbohydrates are recommended to eat in the morning. Make dinner with protein and vegetables.
Diet for the lazy - a menu for every day
The diet menu for the lazy includes lean meat, lots of fiber (vegetables, fruits) and low-fat dairy products. Prohibited pastries, smoked meats, salty foods, fast food.
Here is a sample diet menu for the lazy for a week.
1st day
Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit.
Lunch: 100 g of stewed fish, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: apple.
Dinner: two boiled eggs, 50 g chicken breast.
2nd day
Breakfast: stewed cabbage without oil.
Lunch: chicken broth, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit salad.
Dinner: 70 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad.

3rd day
Breakfast: salad of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.
Lunch: mushroom broth, black bread.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with berries.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, vegetables.
4th day
Breakfast: cabbage salad with cucumbers and herbs.
Lunch: vegetable soup, bread without yeast.
Afternoon snack: peach.
Dinner: steamed fish cakes, vegetable salad.

5th day
Breakfast: cottage cheese with yogurt and fruit.
Lunch: steamed fish, a slice of rye bread.
Afternoon snack: apple and pear.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef, vegetables.
6th day
Breakfast: boiled egg, black bread with cheese.
Lunch: 80 g chicken breast, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: nectarines.
Dinner: 70 g beef, vegetable salad.

7th day
Breakfast: cauliflower with turmeric.
Lunch: turkey broth.
Afternoon snack: plums.
Dinner: boiled egg, salad, 50 g of fish.
Diet for the lazy - minus 12 kg: reviews
The opinions of losers confirm that on a diet for the lazy you can lose up to 10 - 12 kg in two weeks.
Remember that the "lazy" diet is contraindicated in pregnancy, kidney disease, calcium and vitamin deficiency, as well as breastfeeding, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver. If you have even a drop of doubt about the diet, consult your doctor, find out if you can load your body this way (and any diet is a load). A shortened version of the diet is possible - in 7 days, of course, you will not lose 10-12 kg, but the results will still be.
Many people choose a diet for the lazy as a way to lose weight fast and this is completely justified, but not everyone's diet works unambiguously. If the body is dehydrated, in the beginning it is possible even some weight gain and without additional dietary restrictions the water itself will not work so effectively that 10-12 kg really go away. Maybe no water can beat fast food and daily night visits to the refrigerator (but we are sure: if you decide to lose weight, then, of course, this is not for you at all), and physical activity is necessary to keep the body ingood shape. However, as we have already said, even if you just drink a glass or two of water 20-30 minutes before a meal, you will not be so hungry, and reviews of the lazy diet confirm this. And water quite successfully speeds up metabolism.
Also, practitioners of such a diet say that a glass of water is a general recommendation, someone can safely drink two glasses or one and a half for themselves, it all depends on the individual. But what does not depend on the fact that drinking water should be at room temperature, not too hot and not too cold, and you should drink it not in one sip, but in small sips. This can be well water, mineral water or just filtered water. By the way: all kinds of drinks with such a diet are considered snacks, so before you drink tea or coffee, you will first have to drink water and wait. This is another advantage of the diet - small snacks are lost, as they are usually the result of a momentary desire to chew something, and half an hour of preparation does not fit into this concept. It turns out that it is much easier to eat in moderation, observing certain time intervals, and this is very useful for the body.
Those who follow a diet for the lazy, note as a plus that it does not require special financial costs, even more likely to save money - because it is better to refuse fast food and processed foods. In addition, eating enough fruits and vegetables in a lazy diet means that your body gets more of the vitamins it needs. Another health bonus! And, of course, it is convenient that in many cases it is possible not to cook for yourself separately, but to eat the same as everyone else, but in smaller portions.

Diet for the lazy: precautions
However, every diet is a certain restriction and it is important not to overdo these restrictions. First of all, when following a lazy diet, focus on your comfort. If you have to constantly overcome yourself, the likelihood of damage will increase significantly and will be very disappointing if the weekly results overlap the food sprint over the weekend. If you do not like drinking two glasses of water, drink one. Drink warm water better - drink warm water. It seems that water is still not enough - replace meat or fish with a side dish to soup, in general, soups go very well with such a diet.
If you spend a lot of time on your feet, outside your home or office, plan your daily itinerary. A lot of water at the entrance means that there is also a lot of water at the exit.
Monitor your health and condition. You will probably need to take extra vitamins in the beginning, as some of the nutrients will disappear with the food you refuse, and it takes time to find balance.
The lazy diet lasts for two weeks, but this does not mean that you can eat everything and as much as you want immediately after it. If you want to maintain weight and prevent weight gain, the diet must still be followed, otherwise the lost weight will return and it may happen, on the contrary, to gain extra weight instead of staying in one that you need. However, if you "get involved" in the process during these two weeks, then you will probably learn to recognize your body's signals and understand when you are really hungry and when it will be enough just to drink water.
Try not to limit yourself to diet: add physical activity if possible. This way the weight loss process will be much faster and more efficient, in addition, simple weight loss is often not enough, a slender figure with relief looks much more beautiful - and this is what the sport can achieve.
Plan your lazy diet menus in advance, balance is very important. The body must receive all the nutrients and vitamins it needs, otherwise you will only harm your health.
According to reviews, the lazy diet is quite effective in the fight against obesity, if it is perceived not as short-term changes in diet, but as a transitional period that helps develop healthy habits. If you have often eaten fast food, fatty or salty foods or processed foods, a lazy diet will help you straighten your diet, and after that it will be much easier for you to switch to proper nutrition.